LKO 2016

LKO stands for "Latihan Kepengurursan OSIS" is a program that is needed to be followed if you want to be the caretaker of OSIS. There are four meetings in this program. The first meeting was on
6th of November 2016 and the last meeting was on 20th of November 2016. I learned so much from this program.

On the first meeting, we were gathered at the hallway of SMAN 3 & 5. Then we moved to the old hall. Then after the evaluation there, we moved to 12 IPA 8. There was a speaker that came and gave us some of his knowledge. We learned about decision making and problem solving.

The second meeting, we learned about GBHK, GBPKO, and TTPS. GBHK(Garis Besar Haluan Kerja) is the outline of the activities that OSIS do for one year. It consist of aspiration from the students. GBPKO(Garis Besar Program Kerja OSIS) consist of programs that what will OSIS do. It contains all of the program which OSIS will do for one year systematicly from all of the sections. There are ten sections in OSIS

On the third meeting, we learned about the importance of Teamwork and Team building in organizational life.

On the fourth and last meeting, it is held on Sunday. We were gathered at 7 45 a.m. in the hallway. Our first activity was running around the environment. Next we perform and presentate about our task which is to make our own GBPKO. Next some of the alumni came and taught us about many things. This activity took many time. Next we struggle for our friend's nametag. This also took a long time because we need to convince our seniors. Finally LKO was finish and we got our scarf as a sign we have passed LKO 2016.

Thats it.Thank you for your attention


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